Livio Gigliuto, Vice President at Istituto Piepoli, guest of Giorgia Rombolà at Studio24 broadcast on RaiNews24, for a snapshot of Italy and public opinion on politics and current events.
Livio Gigliuto, Vice President at Istituto Piepoli, guest of Giorgia Rombolà, proposes a detailed analysis on reopening, vaccines and the impact of the internal dialectic of the majority on voting intentions and trust in Mario Draghi.
Through a survey by Istituto Piepoli, we see the approval of Draghi’s Government. Precisely after the management of Covid-19 emergency, Livio Gigliuto points out that the majority of Italians say they are either Little or Not at all satisfied (52%), while 44% feel very or fairly satisfied. The substantial difference is between the voters. Those of the Center-Left like it very much (we are at 66%), the approval among the voters of the Center-Right drops to 48% and then collapses to 36% among those of the M5S, who have a bit of nostalgia of the previous Conte’s Government.
The introduction of the vaccine passport is very popular within Italians. 67% are in favor of offering more freedom to those who get vaccinated. The initiative has the transversal consensus of all public opinion. The vaccine passport – underlines Giorgia Rombolà – tells us of a desire to return to normality as soon as possible.
About the reopening, the Italians want to start over and come back to life and therefore entrust the vaccine with the great role of a tool that frees us from this condition of constraint while remaining prudent. In fact, on the reopening of April 26th, opinion is divided into three: 39% of the sample is very cautious and does not agree, they would like to wait a few more days; 30% are in favor and 19% say it should have reopened earlier.
Confidence in the Government and in Prime Minister Mario Draghi drops by 4 points compared to the previous week and stands at 56%.