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9 out of 10 italians want the vaccine

Livio Gigliuto, Vice President at Istituto Piepoli, guest of Senio Bonini at Studio24 broadcast on RaiNews24, for a snapshot of Italy and public opinion on politics and current events.

This week, Livio Gigliuto, Vice President at Istituto Piepoli, guest of Senio Bonini at Studio24, to talk about vaccines, voting intentions and consensus among leaders.

The Italians agree with the choice of getting the vaccine also by general practitioners. There are 9 out of 10 Italians who want to do so. Today we have reached 88% of those who certainly or probably want to get vaccinated.

The Giuseppe Conte effect on the 5 Star Movement, with the former Premier-leader, would earn 5 points, draining support from the Democratic Party, but also from Azione, Fratelli d’Italia and Lega-Salvini Premier.

Draghi leads the ranking. A lot of trust in the techinicians. Giorgia Meloni, Matteo Salvini and Matteo Renzi, with a radically different strategy, gain approval.