Nicola Piepoli
Honorary Chairman

Nicola Piepoli is Istituto Piepoli’s Honorary Chairman. During the course of his career he brought new research methodologies to Italy, particularly in the field of creativity. In 1965 he founded the CIRM Market Research Institute, of which he was Director, and later President, until 2002. Having sold the CIRM Institute to the HDC Group (Holding della Comunicazione) in 2003, he continued his research and training activities in the field of political, economic and social research after founding Istituto Piepoli. He published The Italians’ Opinion in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015-2017 and several texts in the field of creative techniques such as The Creative Dictionary (Mondadori, 1980); Things Change: Practical advices to win in life (Rizzoli 1995) and The magical day (Rizzoli 1996).